Your Ultimate Hemp Guide
Hemp Guide has been created for you, the visitor, the consumer and the eco minded. Cannabis has been around for centuries, yet most of us don't know the true value of it's properties. However, we are in a new age. The age of the "environmentalist". Eco-minded consumers are exploring more ways to incorporate natural products that are derived from sustainable, renewable sources to ensure a bright future for our children, grandchildren and for generations to come.  The cannabis plant can be used to make thousands of products including: -
Hemp Seed -
Clothing -
Jewelry -
And Even Plastic Everything you've ever wanted to know about this amazing crop is only a click away!   A Must For Vegans Worldwide! Health food stores across North America are now packing the shelves with the goodness of hemp. Recipe Of The Week Hemp Chocolate Cookies This recipe is a welcomed change to the old peanut butter version. Yummy and healthy to boot! Try it today! |