Kristen Suzanne's EASY Raw Smoothies and Drinks
Getting all of the nutrition and anti-oxidants your body needs for maximum health is SUPER EASY once you start eating Raw plant-based foods every day, and one of the easiest ways to do this consistently is to DRINK THEM!
These recipes are among the EASIEST Raw recipes you will find... just blend 'em up and chug 'em down. You'll start feeling the powerful effects immediately, and this book gives you so many recipes that you'll never run out of variety. This ebook is fun for dabblers but a MUST for anybody seriously considering a full or high-Raw lifestyle.
92 Raw Smoothies and Drinks
* Introduction to Raw & 6 Basic Raw Recipes * 38 Raw Smoothies * 12 Raw Nut/Seed Milks & Shakes * 17 Raw Juices ("Plant Blood") * 15 Raw Elixirs * 4 Raw Wine Drinks * View List of All Recipes 
Format: All of these books are ebooks, meaning they are delivered electronically, as Adobe Acrobat .PDF files that I email to you personally in 1-12 hours (much sooner during business hours).